
Friday, September 25, 2009

Gone By # 2

"So, from our first rehearsals at The Egg to  the premiere at Fruitlands, from The Yard to the Natural Bridge, from rainy June to cool September, inspired by Joseph Wheelwright's Oracle and the Shakers, joined by other people's daughters and now our own, this third - and final! - adaptation of COME ROUND RIGHT settles here, in my home place."
Below is a slide show of photos taken by GaryTacon, more rehearsal/picnic than the dance/films you're used to seeing on this blog.  With the Project Co. - Mica Bernas, Caitlin Granados, Lisa Greenberg, Aislinn MacMaster, Marta Miller, Deborah Tacon and Lissy Trachtenberg - joined by the "Junior Company" - Klara Jogalla, Maya Tacon and Anna Vomacka.   

And, for this final performance only, what we'd have to call the "Elementary Company" - Hayden and Julia who skipped by the Natural Bridge only to be swept up in our gang.


D Wolff said...

Yes indeed!

Sheila said...

Love it! And great banjo pickin'!