
Thursday, May 05, 2016

The Long Haul II

Digital Technology Initiative  
Revealing Your Unique Audience: 
Navigating Film  Festivals
Saturday, May 7 / 12:30 – 3:30 pm
Whether it’s live work or dance film, what am I making and why?
Who are the characters whose movement stories I choose to reveal?
Who is my ideal audience for these stories?
How do I choose collaborators who “get” me?
Where and for what audiences you screen your work is as much a reflection of your voice as the work itself. In this professional session with choreographer and filmmaker Marta Renzi reveals how she does this – and how you can too. As Marta puts it: “In my case, sharing work with an audience that has little experience with dance film is exactly where I like to be, much as it was when I mostly made live dances”.
“I’d like to share my experience, in particular strategies for infiltrating non-dance film festivals, thereby creating a dialog with curators in the US and abroad. I’ll show clips which range from my 1981 YOU LITTLE WILD HEART with music by Bruce Springsteen, to my recent self-produced short dance films. 
I’ll bring lists of resources of course, and will talk about the challenges and rewards of reaching other-than-dance audiences. Participants will also be encouraged to reflect on their own practices – choreographic, cinematic, casting, – over the long haul. How do you decide if your current modus operandi is working for you?”

This workshop is part of the Digital Technology Professional Series, curated by Paul Galando.

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