
Friday, August 06, 2010

On the Big Screen, and...

In February I shot a screen version of the live duet Nobody's Darling while we prepared for its live showing at Dixon Place. 

I recently got word that the screen version of Darling was shown in Barcelona on July 14th. The event was sponsored in conjunction with a Festival in Boulder Colorado: Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, which has presented my work for 3 - no, this makes 4! - years running. The curators there really get me: they also selected My Feral Valentine for Festival 2010!

It gives me great pleasure to announce that VideoDanzaBA, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which showed Valentine in 2009 also selected Nobody's Darling for this year's festival. So, the no-budget Darling, shot by me on a borrowed camera, with dancers in rehearsal clothes, with no additional crew, has been found worthy by two dance/film festivals.

Of course Tina & Amos danced it beautifully, Matthew Murphy's photos inspired me to shoot it a bit cropped and close, David Kaminski shared equipment, Katherine Matheson encouraged me to explore the Effects tab in Final Cut Pro - and the audience at New City Library voted to exclude any music from the finished score except footfalls and breathing. So it was a team effort.

A bit closer to home, the Rockland Center for the Arts kicks off its next season with an open house which includes a reconstructed version of Bricktoen showing in the Media Project Space.

Looking again at that work made about 3 years ago, I see how much I've grown - in planning the shoot, anticipating how the footage can be edited together, working with a cameraperson. I also have the reaction I've often had when looking at my own work after several years: "who said it was so bad?" Well, I had! Which I guess is part of the self-criticism that helps me continue to grow, right?

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joven said...
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