
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Here for your viewing pleasure is the last of a recent series of posts featuring work made outdoors in the summer. Summers have usually been a rich and productive time for me, since my favorite way to show live work has always been in the outdoors, for free. Around 2005, once I started making dance films, I typically try to also re-envision live productions for film - especially if they're located somewhere special. 

This video was shot in 2008 during live performances at Garnerville Arts Center in Rockland County near where I live.  Dancing in it, among others, are Mica Bernas, Caitlin Roben and Chisa Hidaka, all of whom will be dancing in the upcoming dance film project shooting later this month. The evocative music is by Andy Teirstein and the mostly improvised camera work is by Jake Goldwasser. A discerning person who saw Cottonwood for the first time just now says it well: "it holds up pretty well against your more refined work."

Looking back at earlier work can be a healthy exercise when I'm moving into a new project. In some aspects, I guess I've grown as a filmmaker since these early forays. On the other hand, even in 2008 I wasn't a novice choreographer, having practiced for about 30 years !!!  Over those decades I've developed some chops as a maker, designer, storyteller, editor. By now I know what I want to make - and more importantly why I want to make it. Does it sound like I'm psyching myself up as I head into the first shoot since February? You betcha!

And since beginning something new is always a leap into the unknown, I take heart in sharing news of having previous work "accepted" in upcoming screenings of all over the world:

Plow Plant Reap in Belgium, ChileCyprus - and Illinois!
Honeymoon at Dance Media Japan and in Brazil.
and little old Roxie in Novia Scotia and Kentucky

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