
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pro Bono Publico

And then there are other ways to give.

For a long time, I have been largely at a remove from the dance community. Now I'm back in action, working on two projects.

Burt SupreeI've been working with a wonderful group of people who were touched by Burt to create a website in his honor. There's also an article due out soon in and an event planned for March 2009 to share his work with the Bennington, Williams and Sarah Lawrence College communities.  

It's been a great pleasure for me to re-read Burt's writing, while transcribing for the website.  It's allowed me to once again experience his generous, erudite, humorous voice. I highly recommend you click on his name above, choose someone you'd like to read about in the Index of Artists, listen to "Burt Speaks" or read a few poems.  A great way to start the new year.

In September I joined the Board of Directors of

During the festival, one of my all-time favorite dance/films will be shown:

Oh, and to cement my ties to the dance world, I'm even taking class again: weekly, at

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